Friday, August 8, 2014

Just getting out some anger

Nothing to see here...............

Every day, I am in charge of organizing the daily schedule for our team - mapping out the assignments to make sure the work is covered. A couple of months ago, I started adding a Quote of the Day to the wiki page, and it was received pretty well. A number of people told me that they enjoyed reading them. It was, by all measures, a hit.

Well, yesterday, the characters at work screwed it up. They put up a *borderline* questionable quote. I went back through the revisions and read it, and honestly did not think it was that bad. It spoke more to the conceit of the speaker, and was less of a jab at the other party. Somehow, my manager decided that this was too far across the line, and has put the kibosh on the WHOLE THING. You know, throw out the baby with the bathwater. Instead of just removing the (barely) offensive quote and telling the guys who put it up that it was out of bounds, he has killed the whole quote thing. Truthfully, I think it was just an excuse. I don't think he was fond of it, maybe because it wasn't his idea. Maybe it was too deep for him. Maybe he was disappointed he didn't get attention over it. Maybe he is threatened when people under him have ideas or take charge. (Ok, that one isn't really a maybe. It's been pretty well proven.)